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Home » The Flexibility Increasing Stretching Aid – Includes DVD and Guide Book to help you develop flexibility

The Flexibility Increasing Stretching Aid – Includes DVD and Guide Book to help you develop flexibility

The Flexibility Increasing Stretching Aid [SOURCE] is designed to develop flexibility specifically useful for drawing out, enhancing and stretching lower back, thanks to the device’s unique pivoting seat partnered with effective kneeboard, owners will surely have great workout time in improving flexibility.

This flexibility increasing stretching aid works simply by controlling the stretching machine rather than the machine controlling you, simply follow along the included guide book and DVD and you’re good to go.

The Flexibility Increasing Stretching Aid

The Flexibility Increasing Stretching Aid

This stretching aid machine is ideal for working out and improving posture, circulation and is great for decreasing risk of lower back pain, simply follow 18 stretching exercises fully illustrated and you’re on your way of targeting every major muscles including proper position.

Read AlsoThe Pilates Spine Corrector – Helps you correct posture problem and improve flexibility

The Flexibility Increasing Stretching Aid 2

The Flexibility Increasing Stretching Aid 3

The Flexibility Increasing Stretching Aid 4

The flexibility increasing stretching aid is made of solid steel frame and can handle user’s of up to 300lbs.

Read the rest of the features [HERE].

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