The Live Fitness Class Smart Rower – with live instructor-led or on-demand workouts from the comfort of your home

Getting perfectly fit and always in good condition is a must nowadays and if you are looking on a perfect device that can help you workout at the comfort of your own home then use the Live Fitness Class Smart Rower.

This smart rowing machine is not just unique when it comes to providing a perfect workout right at the comfort of your own home and at the same time unique because it challenges the owner to workout using a live instructor.

Live Fitness Class Smart Rower

The Live Fitness Class Smart Rower

This smart rower works simply by connecting the owner’s preferred smartphone or tablet straight to the manufacturer’s application in order to access workout classes live from professional workout instructors.

Read Also: The Best Foldable Rower Under $399 – The best rowing machine because it rowed more smoothly than other models

Live Fitness Class Smart Rower1

Thanks to the rower’s Bluetooth capability, connecting a device and accessing even the most popular waterways and even your fitbit, strava and more just to track your workout progress or even compete with your family and friends is now possible and best of all, it already includes different levels of smooth and motorized magnetic resistance that can be easily access via buttons right on the rower’s handles. Weighs only 92lbs.

You can buy the smart rowing machine for only $1,100 with lifetime guarantee.

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