The Electrical Muscle Stimulation Wireless Foot Pad – relaxes muscles to ease pain, reduce swelling, and accelerate strength

The Electrical Muscle Stimulation Wireless Foot Pad is perfect for anyone who wants to regain foot strength, relax tired foot muscles and a lot more simply by stepping into the foot pad.

Thanks to this light, portable and wireless foot pad device, easing pain and even lessening foot swelling is now possible at home without taking any medication.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation Wireless Foot Pad

This wireless foot pad is effective because it uses electrical muscle stimulation to gently yet effectively treat foot pain problems, simply use the foot pad and allow its integrated EMS technology to repeatedly contract and relax muscles in order to relieve pain, swelling and even hasten strength.

Read Also: The Slip On LED Foot Pain Reliever – Help improve circulation, relax muscles and relieve pain

Electrical Muscle Stimulation Wireless Foot Pad1

This muscle stimulating Foot Pad already comes with 2 different programs and 15 different intensity levels so owners can select their preferred treatment at home conveniently and best of all, it already includes an easy to use remote control and a USB charger. Weighs only 4lbs.

You can buy the wireless foot pad for only $99.95 with lifetime guarantee.

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