The Neck Pain Relieving Travel Cushion – A travel pillow with therapeutic light, gentle heat, and stabilizing support to help relieve neck pain

The Neck Pain Relieving Travel Cushion [SOURCE] is a uniquely designed travel pillow capable of delivering therapeutic LED light partnered with gentle heat and perfect support in order to help the user relieve their neck pain problem.

Thanks to its u-shaped design, preventing neck stiffness partnered with LED lights: 12 infrared and 9 red medical-grade LEDs, boosting circulation and easing soreness and discomfort specially on long commutes and long flights is now possible.

The Neck Pain Relieving Travel Cushion

The Neck Pain Relieving Travel Cushion

This travel cushion even features an effective heating elements designed to warm the cushion for up to 114 degrees Fahrenheit perfect for soothing therapy, and because this travel pillow is made with soft memory foam, keeping your neck and head fully supported while driving, seating on an airplane or anywhere you want is now more comfortable anytime.

Read AlsoThe Traveler’s Sleep Improving Wedge Pillow – A portable wedge pillow that helps provide relief from heartburn, sinus congestion, and snoring

The Neck Pain Relieving Travel Cushion 1

The Neck Pain Relieving Travel Cushion is designed to fit easily on most neck sizes and best of all, it already includes a microfiber cover that can be spot cleaned. This pain relieving pillow already comes with adapter and can be plug using USB or AC.

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