Fitbit Ultra Wireless Activity Plus Sleep Tracker – Monitors your daily activity effectively

Fitbit Ultra Wireless Activity Plus Sleep Tracker

Packed with motion 3D sensor, the Fitbit Ultra Wireless Activity Plus Sleep Tracker is capable of monitoring your daily activities providing you real time feedback on your calories burned, stairs climbed and even the number of steps and distance already taken ideal if you want to know if you need to walk more and how well you sleep.

Fitbit Ultra Wireless Activity Plus Sleep Tracker is compact in design and is good at providing you real results great if you want to achieve your overall wellness goals and unlike other ordinary pedometers that can’t handle most of the important features, this wireless tracker is simply easy tuck and at the same time fun to use, you can even share your data to your online friends.

Worry about what food to eat or what workout suits you? Fitbit is the answer, thanks to its unique database of food items and workout selection where you can log and check what’s working or not plus you can even track your weight, heart rate, blood pressure and a lot more. Go ahead and try one.

-$79.52 at amazon

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