You want to ease the discomforts of your sinus problem? How about calming your cold, flu and dry skin? Check this cool Crane 2.1 Gallon COOL Mist Humidifier, a simple yet modern way to provide soothing relief and help of your colds problem including chapped lips and nose bleeds right in your very own room.
Crane 2.1 Gallon COOL Mist Humidifier
Crane 2.1 Gallon COOL Mist Humidifier works for up to 55 hours of providing cool mist just enough to help you alleviate congestion from allergy and asthmatic type Symptoms, just fill the humidifier tank with water, close and enjoy.
The Crane 2.1 Gallon COOL Mist Humidifier is energy efficient and comes with a 360 degrees nozzle feature so you can point the cooling mist to any where you want.
-$59.99 at amazon