The Wearable Electric Blanket – Generously Set for Total Freedom

Feeling cold? Check the Wearable Electric Blanket, a soft 2 ply polyester fleece blanket that comes with sleeves and split sides covering your entire body including your arm and feet of course without worrying about your body movements because its size and design is generously set for that total freedom of movement while doing your daily tasks.

Wearable Electric Blanket

The Wearable Electric Blanket

This Electric Blanket is 74″ long and comes with temperature control module to give you up to 3 different levels of heating.

The wearable electric blanket is 1/8″ thick and automatically turns off after 1 hour of continuous usage. Simply wear like a bathrobe, plug and enjoy!

Read AlsoThe Cordless Heated Throw – A heated throw with cordless design capable of providing 9 hours of warmth anytime anywhere

-$69.95 at hammacher

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