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Home » The UV Sanitizing Bed Vac – A high-powered vacuum designed to clean and sanitize mattresses, bedding, and upholstery

The UV Sanitizing Bed Vac – A high-powered vacuum designed to clean and sanitize mattresses, bedding, and upholstery

The UV Sanitizing Bed Vac >>>[VIDEO]<<< is a high powered and uniquely designed bed vacuum that uses HEPA filtration system, vibrating pads and UV light in order to clean and of course sanitize your upholstery, bedding and mattresses.

This high-powered vacuum is safe and very easy to use and because it utilizes the same technology used to clean hospital instruments, you can always be sure that eliminating viruses and bacteria up to 99.9 percent is now possible at home.

The UV Sanitizing Bed Vac

The UV Sanitizing Bed Vac

This bed vacuum is equipped with 300watt motor, rotating brush, tamping pads and uniquely designed suction so you don’t have to worry about hair and other dirt deeply imbedded into your favorite bed.

Read AlsoThe Dust Mite Vacuum – Kills Dust Mites And Other Bacteria Up to 99 Percent

The UV Sanitizing Bed Vac 1

The UV Sanitizing Bed Vac works at 5000 beats per minute just enough to shake those small particles loose from pillows and sheets while its 2-stage filtration system will definitely trap even pollen, allergens, dust and more so you’ll have fresh and clean air every time.

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