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exercise machine

The Power Assist Pedaler

The Power Assist Pedaler – Helps improve leg muscle strength and motion range perfect for person with limited mobility

You want to work on your leg muscles at home? Use the Power Assist Pedaler, an exercise pedaler capable of providing a nice and power-assisted leg workout designed for person with limited mobility and is designed to help improve muscular strength and coordination. The Power Assist Pedaler The Power Assist… Read More »The Power Assist Pedaler – Helps improve leg muscle strength and motion range perfect for person with limited mobility

Foldaway 39 Exercise Gym – Now You Can Have That Staying Power Anytime

Foldaway 39 Exercise Gym provides a complete advantage of a full power set thus providing up to 7 creative of resistance ideal for golfers, swimmers and other sports who want to have a staying power anytime. Foldaway 39 Exercise Gym comes with 2 sets of 3-color-coded elastic bands that perfectly… Read More »Foldaway 39 Exercise Gym – Now You Can Have That Staying Power Anytime