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Home » The Suction Powered Sinus Decongestor – A nasal irrigation system that uses gentle powered suction to relieve sinus congestion without medication

The Suction Powered Sinus Decongestor – A nasal irrigation system that uses gentle powered suction to relieve sinus congestion without medication

The Suction Powered Sinus Decongestor [SOURCE] is designed to alleviate sinus congestion of course without taking any medication, thanks to its unique nasal irrigation system, flushing away sinus clogging mucous for a more relaxing breath is now possible.

The Suction Powered Sinus Decongestor

The Suction Powered Sinus Decongestor

This sinus congestion device is battery powered and uses gentle yet powerful suction technology so even on a typical 20 up to 30 second treatment, mucous, dust or even those clogging pollen can now be instantly clear leaving your nasal passages free from any bacteria.

Read AlsoThe Traveler’s Sinus Relief Irrigator – A portable nasal irrigator that flushes nasal passages, help clear bacteria, relieve congestion and improve breathing


The nasal irrigation system battery powered motor is capable of pulling saline rinse right from the decongestor’s tank through the nostril and then out to the other while the bottom tank on the other hand collects nasty mucous.

Unlike other nasal treatments out there that requires the owner to mix water and salt and even lean over a sink, this sinus decongestor is very easy to use, thanks to its uniquely designed system that employs handy and clean saline concentrate capsules so owner’s can use it anytime anywhere.

The Suction Powered Sinus Decongestor already includes different sets of nose pillows so owners can easily find the best fit.

Check [THIS PAGE] for other important features.